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About DINGO Game Design Week
DINGO Game Design Week is your chance to learn more about game design and meet employees of the video game industry with FREE hands-on activities during the week of January 13-19, 2025.
On the weekend of January 18th to 19th, there is a FREE Game Jam to put your learning to the test with other students from around Quebec to make a board game, card game or a video game!

Can I go Saturday to see if I like the experience and then attend Sunday if I do, or must I specify the days beforehand?You are not obligated to stay. However, you will be working in teams so you should make sure your team is clear about your scheduling. We currently have more people interested than there are spots. Students who can come both days will be prioritized.
Is there a limit to the number of participants?We have set the attendance at 125 participants. However, as we mentioned above, there are more people interested in the event than our 125-person attendance limit so we will not be able to accommodate everyone.
Can teachers participate?Teachers, administrators and staff are all welcome to participate or even just come to watch. Please sign up if you are interested in coming.
Is it possible to register as a team?You will sign-up as individuals but you can definitely organize a team beforehand. Everyone on your team interested in participating MUST SIGN-UP. If you are joining as a team, please send me a message on Discord to let me know who your teammates are so that I can try to have you all attend. You will also have the opportunity to join a team when you are at the event so DO NOT WORRY IF YOU DON’T HAVE A TEAM!
Is there any chance that some people might be able to join on zoom?This is an in-person event. We will not be hosting the event on Zoom.
What are the names of the mentors of this GameJam? Where can I learn more about them and their background in video game making?The game mentors are coming from the Game Dev McGill group. Here is their website. They hold events, like the McGameJam every year, to fuel the creativity of their members and provide them with the resources to improve their game development skills In terms of mentors from video game studios, we will be working with La Guilde du jeu vidéo du Québec to hire our mentors. As of right now, those industry mentors have not been selected but we will be able to announce those people as of early January.
How is the event organized?It is a two-day event. On the first day, we will release the theme of the gamejam that you can use as inspiration (or not!) for your game. After that, people can pitch quick game ideas (60 seconds) in front of the attendees. Then people will start working on their game prototypes with their teams. If you already have a team and an idea, you can start to work immediately. On both days, mentors will also be walking around to help you and give you feedback. On the second day, you will continue working on your game prototype. At around 3pm on Sunday, we will give everyone a chance to try out the different games from the Gamejam so try to be finished by then. Don’t worry if you game isn’t perfect. It’s a Gamejam, your game will not be perfect! The mentors also play your game and give you feedback.
Is it possible to know what food will be served in advance so I can know if I need to bring my own replacement?There will be vegetarian options available for the entire two days of the event. We will be sending out another Google form for good choices before the beginning of the event to those that will be invited. You can also bring your own food to the event as well if you don’t think that these options will work for you.
If we’d like to make all three types of games, would that be possible? Or can we only make one?A GameJam is an intense 2-day event where your aim is to come up with a game idea and to make a prototype of that idea. You should pick one idea and one type of game (card game, board game, video game) to make for the event.
Can I bring my own games?You can bring any games you want. However, the GameJam event is quite intense. You might not have time to play games while you are making your game prototype.
Will I need to bring my own computer? Do I need to install any software?It is encouraged for you to bring a laptop to the event if you have one. There will be some computers available at Vanier however those will be limited.
Will there be a workshop to learn how to use the Unity game engine?We will hold workshops the week before the event (Jan 13-17) to help students learn how to make art, write game narratives, make music and program. Please look at our website to see more about our workshops. They are all free as well. They will be held online on a zoom link we will send out.
I do have experience programming but I am not that good. Is that okay?Yes, this event is open to all cégep students. Especially beginners! There will be mentors there to help you. There will also be a workshop in using the the Godot game engine and another one for the Unity game engine to help you make a video game if you are interested. You can also make card games or board games if you do not want to program a game for the event.
Are there any restrictions as to what kind of game we can make?You can make any type of game you want to make including board games, card games and video games. Remember, it is ideal to focus on making a small prototype for your game over the two days of the event. So having a smaller scope can be beneficial to having a playable prototype by Friday. Two days will go by very quickly.
How big can the teams be?Teams of 3-6 people are ideal for game jams. Working by yourself is not ideal as collaboration makes games better. Also, having teams bigger than 6 people can get complicated.
Can I bring a friend of mine to the event?Everyone who is interested in the event must sign-up. Only cégep students are allowed to attend the event.
Will there be parking for the event?You can pay for parking at Vanier which is $10 per day. You can also take public transportation to Vanier including the métro which is close to two different stations: du Collège and Côte Vertu.
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